Saturday, August 4, 2012

I See You

In the garden I see you. Standing there like a pillar of strength.  Your back is straight and you hands are at your side, palms resting on the side of your legs.  I follow the motions as your hands rise slowly to touch a leaf directly over your head.  Your palms face outward until the moment just before you touch the leaf, and then your hands rotate swiftly to face each other.

I heard your slow deep breathing as your hands raised up, and then it paused at the moment of rotation. Both of us held our breath, and felt the calm as our fingers rubbed the leaf between our thumb, pointer and index finger.   We felt the roughness of the flesh of the leaf, and our fingers traced the veins on the surface.  The taste of the moist, fresh garden soil lingered on our tongue, and we stood without moving. Then we breathed out though our eyes, and then could see the sap running in the veins, and sense the life force beating in the plant.  As we breathed out slowly and gently, we made the sound SH……, and the garden fell into silence.

In the silence, I searched for me.  I saw, tasted, smelled and felt everything in the garden, so I must be here.  But I could not find me. I looked up to the right, up to the left, down to the right, down to the left.  I did not see me.  I felt that your eyes were following mine.  We scanned from left to right.

As we scanned we held our breath.  In the internal silence, our heartbeat slowed. In the quieted of all moments, I heard you blink! Our eyes met and you said “I see you”. 

Then we were back in the garden. We sat on a bench, and gazed into each other’s eyes.  We became aware of our beating hearts, as we breathe out though our eyes into the eyes of the other.  Relax the jaw, and let our eyes relax, and enter the inner self of the other.  Can we see the “other” as a part of you?

This is a Yoga exercise.  Do it often enough and you will travel to your true love, wherever they might be.

Friday, July 20, 2012


In the rising of the sun and in its descent though the season

I remember you

In the opening of flower buds, and the rebirth of spring

I remember you

 In the blueness of the sky, and the warmth of the summer

I remember you

 In the falling leaves and the beauty of autumn

I remember you

In the lonely wind and the chill of winter

I remember you

In the beginning and the end of the year

I remember you

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Puzzle Of Desire

Each one of us is a piece of a puzzle
We have edges; they are rough and jagged;
 And have voids to fill
We want to complete ourselves
We seek the pieces that fill the voids.

We want, we desire, that which completes our boundaries
We expand our vision, our hearing, our sense of touch and taste
Break though the limits of our boundaries by the strength of wills and minds

Outside and inside of us
We find that which give us what we need
And it wants what we have to give.

Together we are a whole
By ourselves, we are a piece of a puzzle
Together we are whole
 And a piece of a larger puzzle

We want, we desire, that which is beyond our limits
Together we search for the many pieces that we need
To join to us, to have the growth continue

We are a piece of a puzzle
The puzzle grows too large, we cannot see the limits
But we sense that they are there and have voids
That must be filled
We expand our vision, our hearing, our sense of touch and taste
Break though the limits of time and space

And we find the final piece
And we are complete
At rest with the final piece.

I dreamed this when I was awake
Can you help me to find the meaning?

Copyright 2010 Raymond E. Lawrence, Ph.D.